You Will Feel Right at Home

We don’t need science to tell us that pets make us healthier! Your small ‘family member’ is most welcome and fussed over!

Snack Bar
Refuel that chassis often.

Fresh Baked Bread
Cookies! A weekly event.

Ice Cream Socials and Coffee Hours
It’s the American way.

Birthday Celebrations
Woo Hoo! Bragging rights bestowed.

Title Ceremonies
In honor of the longest lives! M’Lord, M’Lady…

High Teas
A must for our royal subjects.

Active Social Schedules
Come out and ‘play’ with your neighbors! Or not! No pressure.

Movie and Music Library of the ‘Greatest Generation’
Move and groove to the times.

Guest Lecturers and Performers
Be charmed, amazed and delighted.

Royal Evening Festivies
We don’t just play dress-up.

Volunteer Opportunities
Humans are meant to make a difference! Stay connected.

Mentoring Opportunities
Whether professional or not, once a teacher always a teacher.